You have a number of options of things that you can do with your content to get the most mileage and best results out of it when it comes to being search engine friendly. Don’t ever sacrifice user-friendliness because it is of the utmost importance to keep your reader engaged, but do make use of techniques that combine visitor helpfulness with search engine accessibility. To make this happen, follow these ten easy steps.
1. Research your keywords and develop a niche market. Targeting your audience is half the battle. If you don’t know what audience you are writing for, you aren’t going to reach them. Doing your homework is the foundation that everything is built upon.
2. Make sure that you have a landing page copy that reminds visitors of their problem, offers a solution, and presents a call to action. This is what gets people engaged and compels them to act. If they never leave the landing page, you aren’t doing your job. You need clickthroughs to have a successful site and convert.
3. Provide helpful, to-the-point information that is on topic and that will generate interest in the rest of your site as well. Once you deliver people to interior pages, you have to keep giving them what they want.
4. When using your keywords, make sure that you use them naturally in your text. If you can pinpoint one primary (to be used in the title, the first and the last paragraph) and several secondary phrases (to be sprinkled in where appropriate and unobtrusive) then you can make great use of your keywords without being spammy which will turn off your readers.
5. Add content often – daily if possible. You can get indexed more often if you add content more often. This is also the best way to keep people coming back. You can’t expect repeat visitors for long if they don’t have reason to expect something new.
6. Make sure your content is readable and doesn’t contain too much flash. High concentrations of textual content help the spiders know what your site is about. Being readable is a basic need – if your content is just keywords strung together and makes little sense to a human reader, regardless of what the spiders think you won’t keep human readers.
7. Share your content and become an expert. Be helpful to people, and your site will become viewed as helpful. The more you can get your content spread around, the more available it is and the more valuable it will become. Use sharing buttons wisely!
8. Spread content across the web, through articles sites, blogs, Squidoo lenses, etc. This goes back to the above – give people reading your content easy-to-use ways to share it. The more places you get your content live, the better it is for your site.
9. Remember that content doesn’t do any good if no one sees it. Publicize yourself and people will read your content.
10. Content is King. Content is information. That is what the Internet is – the information superhighway. Never forget that your content is for people to search for and benefit from. Make yourself an authority. Compile a reader base that follows your work. When your content begins spreading on its own, you have achieved great content!